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Frequently Asked Questions

What does a survey cost?
The cost of a survey is dependent on a number of factors, including: the scope of the work (what you want done and why); the type of project (property line survey, topographic survey, building stake-out, elevation certificate, etc.); the amount of time it actually takes to conduct the survey (including research, pre-survey calculations and plotting, field work, data post-processing, analysis and document or drawing preparation); site conditions (flat or sloping, lawn or woods, dry or swampy, rural or urban); the size and geometric shape of the property or site; the time of year (for example, heavily wooded sites take longer in summer than in winter); the availability of documents (both digital and hard copy) pertaining to the project; and the quantity and quality of existing survey control or evidence in the vicinity of the site (property corner pins or monuments, benchmarks, geodetic control, etc. – depending on the project). All surveys are estimated and billed based on the prevailing Waldraff Land Surveying Professional Fee Schedule and Billing Policy Statement. Please contact us at for a free estimate.


How quickly can my survey be done?
All surveys are conducted on a first come-first served basis. Most surveys will commence within a two (2) week period after authorization. Residential property line surveys can often be completed within a week of authorization; however, this duration will vary according to the season, prior commitments, health, and weather circumstances. Estimates will include an estimate of both anticipated time and associated cost.


How do I initiate a survey?
Simply contact us by e-mail (, telephone, fax, USPS or use the contact form on this website and indicate the scope of the survey (what you want done and why); the location of the site (address or tax parcel identifier and county); the site conditions (flat or sloping, wooded or lawn, etc.); your name, billing address, telephone number and e-mail address; and your time constraints – if any. An estimate for services will then be provided. After authorization to proceed, your project will then be placed on a list of active projects and you will be contacted prior to the commencement of fieldwork. Communication with clients is very important and you will never be left wondering what’s going on with your project.


How do I pay for a survey?
Smaller residential surveys are generally conducted without a deposit and are payable in full at the conclusion of services the day of the field work. Most other surveys requiring more extensive research, preparation, field work, data post processing or drafting will require a deposit up front with the balance due the day the field survey is completed, or with subsequent payments made on an invoice-by-invoice basis at significant project intervals with the balance due upon completion of the project and prior to delivery of drawings or documents – as applicable to the project. Acceptable forms of payment include US currency, checks, money orders, and Visa or MasterCard.

© 2022 Waldraff Land Surveying. All Rights Reserved.

PO Box 507

Bethlehem, PA 18016-0507

Phone & Fax: 610-694-9224


Credit Cards Accepted

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